
Alfa gekozen tot het bedrijf van het jaar

18 juli 2018 | Door:  Annemiek Pelle

Alfa is op vrijdag 13 juli gekozen tot bedrijf van het jaar 2018 door DFK International tijdens de International Annual Conference - Munich, Germany. DFK International is één van de tien grootste netwerken van onafhankelijke accountantskantoren ter wereld. Door het DFK lidmaatschap is Alfa nog beter in staat om in te spelen op internationale vragen van ondernemers.

Marco Vermin, lid van de Raad van Bstuur van Alfa en tevens lid van de board van DFK International: “Ik was totaal verrast en ben natuurlijk trots op deze prestatie. Wij vinden het belangrijk dat we onze klanten overal ter wereld van dienst kunnen zijn met een vergelijkbaar dienstenpakket als dat van Alfa. Klanten kunnen hierdoor rekenen op dezelfde kwaliteit en serviceverlening. En natuurlijk verwelkomen wij ook buitenlandse ondernemers die in Nederland een vestiging willen starten en op zoek naar een accountant zijn.”

Martin Sharp, Executive Director van DFK International onderbouwt hieronder waarom Alfa geselecteerd is tot DFK bedrijf van het jaar 2018.

“The objective of the DFK International Firm of the Year Award is to give credit to the firm that has contributed most to the development of DFK International during the year. This contribution can be in any form that may directly or indirectly impact on DFK International. Contributions that offer business opportunities and services to other members or which contribute to the activities of the association are particularly favourably considered. Examples of contributions could include:

• Participation on DFK committees/interest groups.

• Quantity and value of work referred to other DFK firms

• Attendance and active participation at DFK conferences/meetings

• Identification of potential new members

• Submission of material/articles which can benefit Member Firms or the association

• Introducing new ideas/services/products to the membership, in particular at meetings/ conferences

• Participation in other ad hoc DFK activities

• Actions taken to promote DFK in local market

Since joining DFK International in 2014, Alfa Accountants and Advisors has excelled in all these areas. As well as having a standing member of the DFK International Board of Directors and Members’ Council, the firm is well-represented in several DFK committees, including the Accounting & Assurance Committee, International Tax Committee, VAT sub-group and Transactional Services Group.  The quality and value of the work referred to other firms has been of great benefit to other members, and the firm has also provided valuable accounting, taxation, assurance and consultancy services to clients of other members, constantly responding quickly and professionally to any enquiries.

Attendance and involvement in DFK conferences has been exceptional, with Alfa regularly sending several delegates to regional and international conferences all around the world, and has consistently participated in the DFK Young Professionals development programme. Most notable was the participation by the firm in the DFK Future Leaders summit held in Dubai in February 2018; as well as sending participants in the summit, the firm provided one the vitally important facilitators for the summit, helping making the summit a tremendous success in shaping DFK’s strategy for the future.

In terms of new ideas, Alfa has been a beacon of ideas for other members and was instrumental in persuading DFK International to start the journey to become a promotional partner for the B-Corps organisation with its focus on the triple bottom-line: people, planet, profit. Alfa has also been at the forefront of technological innovation in accountancy and has been enthusiastic about sharing its experiences with other members in this area.

As a strong, independent and innovative firm, Alfa embodies all that is good about DFK – passionate dedication to client service, going above and beyond to help others, and an unwavering commitment to the highest ethical and professional standards. They do all this while creating a huge sense of satisfaction, fun and reward for its people and while caring for the profession, the wider community and the environment.

DFK International is proud to count Alfa Accountants and Advisors as a member firm and delighted that it has been selected as the DFK International Firm of the Year for 2018.”

Annemiek Pelle

Annemiek Pelle

Marketing en Communicatie

088 2531035 |

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